I Hear That Trouble or Fortune Train a Coming, Second Update.

A week into the “Exile & Adventure” crowdfunding campaign and the Trouble or Fortune train has screeched into the station, destination delayed. What started on a very promisingly upward trajectory last weekend, has risen little since. I've been emailing, ringing, texting & posting all week trying to get the word out there about this worthy work. Being ensconced in the far north of Argentina has made it challenging to interest those (mainly at home and in the U.S.) that have supported my work in the past. Anyone that wants to share the campaign link please do, thats what its all about, sharing the plan to resurrect these songs, stories & souls of old. With your help we can get the Trouble or Fortune train, 'bound for glory' again, as Woody Guthrie once said. 

GOAL €9,800

Raised €2,039 

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