To The Open Sea

I have these city streets though they ran a river nights on end,
And the river rolled on by I sat watching from the bank.
A city slowly wakes up sprawled outside some door
I was sleeping ‘neath the stars, dreaming curling from the cold.
A world has awoken teeming outside
And cars are darting past the suns slow rise.
I have these city streets they ran crazy nights on end
I roved them o'er and o'er until I thought that I was spent.

Chorus: Roll on river roll on…

I have these city streets though they ran a river nights on end
And the river rolled on by I sat watching from the bank.
Dreaming of the stars dreaming of a million suns,
Til I slept, the sky a blanket my bed fallen autumn leaves.
Moments from the heavens moments on the breeze,
Painted on a crow’s wing falling from the trees.
On wings that angels bring a grey city morning sings,
A crow spread its wings by my eyes as day begins.

Chorus: Roll on..

I have these city streets, they ran a river nights on end,
The river rolled on by I sat watching from the bank.
On wings that angels bring a grey city morning sings,
A crow spreads its wings by my eyes as day begins.
I see the moment rise on a cold morning in the sun,
On the wings of a crow I’ve watched a world begun.
When you’re young the days roll on I’ll ride this river to open sea,
I hear a strange city call birth like a new country.

Chorus: Roll on..